In order to fight the condition, and mainly its complications, patients are mainly prescribed with antibiotics (most commonly penicillin). Despite these efforts, recurrent infections are yet to be a troublesome condition. Recurrent tonsillitis is a complicated medical problem which could occur for several reasons such as bacterial resistance, partial bacterial eradication and re-infection from family or other surrounding bacteria carriers.
If after conservative treatment methods fail patients undergo a surgical removal of their tonsils (tonsillectomy).
Our solution
NatureInhale is a natural herbal solution, based on a unique and precise blend of widely known and used volatile oils, extracted from Israeli endemic herbs. NatureInhale combines the clinical knowledge based on the traditional solutions, with state-of-the-art evidence-based medical research, to offer the first scientifically optimized natural solution for recurrent tonsillitis.
NatureInhale will reduce the need of invasive surgical intervention for removal of recurrently inflamed tonsils. Moreover, it will reduce the odds of developing severe post-infectious complications which may involve the heart, kidneys, joints and brain.
NatureInhale will reduce the use of repeated antibiotics regimens for the treated patient and his family, after or during the inflammation state. The natural bacteria eradication will prevent re-infection from family GABHS carriers (around 10% of population are carriers which do not present any symptoms) or re-infection from “neglected” bacteria.