Israel Innovation


Israel's large concentration of talented and innovative people makes itan idealplace for investmentCharacterized by groundbreaking entrepreneurship, Israel yields pioneeringtechnologies, profitable business opportunities and high investmentreturns. Israel's large concentration of talented and innovative people makes itan idealplace for investment. Characterized by groundbreaking entrepreneurship, Israel yieldspioneering technologies, profitable business opportunities and high investment returns.

This is why  have so many major multi-nationals -Microsoft, Berkshire-Hathaway, Motorola, Intel, HP, Siemens, GE, IBM, Philips,Lucent, AOL, Cisco, Applied Materials, IBM, J&J and more - chosen to investin Israel. Listed below are highlights of the record, resources and supportthat make Israel a smart investment today and tomorrow.


The Record

The World Economic Forum has designated Israel is oneof the leading countries in the world in technological innovation. In the 2008-2009 WEF Global CompetitiveIndex Report, Israel received an overall rank of the 23rd mostcompetitive country. The 2008 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbookranked Israel as the 20th most competitive country in theworld. 

Further Israeli highlights from the reports include:

·         Ranked1st for total expenditure on R&D *

·         Ranked1st for business expenditure on R&D * 

·         Ranked1st for availability of qualified scientists and engineers * 

·         Ranked2nd for venture capital availability * 

·         Ranked2nd for information technology skills * 

·         Ranked3rd for Quality of Scientific Research Organizations ** 

·         Ranked3rd for Registered Patents Per Capita **  

·         Ranked3rd for flexibility and availability of the workforce * 

·         Ranked4th for higher education achievements *  

·         Ranked6th for overall innovation **

 * IMD Global Competitiveness Yearbook 2007-2008

** WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009


The Resources

With the world's highest percentage of engineers andscientists, Israel's greatest natural resource is its skilled workforce.Highly motivated,resourceful and independent, they enable

Israel to stay ahead of the competition. Israel’s workforce is particularly Competitive because of the informalbut effectiveget-down-to-business culture, exceptional ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit. The combination of culture, skill and initiativecreates a flexible, working system that allows for great adaptability while producing breakthrough technologies

And quick time-to-market solutions.

Israel offers one of the world's most advanced infrastructure and theservices required to conduct business efficiently and effectively. Israel boasts a sophisticated communicationssystem; reliable energy infrastructure; well-developed transportation systemwith modern international gateways; protection of trademarks, patents, and otherintellectual property;highly developed and transparent financial system and a legal system based on common and corporate law.

1st in R&D investments

Israel invests 4.7% of its GDP in R&D, which is thehighest ratio in the world (IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007). 


Preferred choice of leading global players

Microsoft, Berkshire- Hathaway, Motorola, Intel, HP, Siemens,Samsung, GE, Philips, Lucent, AOL, Cisco, Applied Materials, Winbond, IBM andJ&J, are just a few examples of multinationals that run core activitiesin Israel.


Profit-driving innovations

Disk-on-key technology, IP Telephony, Zip compression, theingestible pill size camera, modern drip-irrigation technology, ICQ instantmessenger and many more were all Israeli breakthroughs.


Highly-educated available workforce

Being 1st in the world for availability of qualified scientistsand engineers, Israel provides multinationals with a professional andskilled labor market (2007-8 IMD Global Competitiveness Yearbook).


Flourishing start-up and VC industries

Ranked 2nd in the world for Venture Capital availability, Israel providesits entrepreneurs with the necessary backing to turn their innovative ideasinto profitable businesses (IMD Global Competitiveness Yearbook 2007-8).


Deeply integrated into the world economy

Israel has the largest number of companies listed on theNASDAQ outside of the United States and approximately 70 Israelicompanies are traded on various European exchanges.

Nobel laureates

4 Israelis have won Nobel Prizes within the last 5 years in thefields of chemistry and economics.

Sophisticated and comprehensive infrastructure

Ranked 3rd in the world for technologicalreadiness, Israel provides multinationals an environment suitable forthe most demanding business requirements (2006-7 WEF Global CompetitivenessYearbook).


Business Sectors - Israel


Life Sciences

Fourth in the world in biotechnology patents percapita, Israel not only has the talent to innovate, but the skills totransform technology into successful enterprise. A generous governmentincentives program is a major factor for pushing progress forward.

Water Technologies

Since its founding, Israel has been coping with waterscarcity and has been treating the subject as a national priority. The countryhas been constantly developing novel and efficient water technologies, whichcan benefit the world as it is increasingly dealing with water scarcityconcerns due to global warming. Israel's success in answering thecountry's water needs stems from its ability to incorporate an extensivevariety of solutions under multiple constrains.



In the past decade, Israel has emerged as a leadingsupplier for the global telecommunications industry. Producing cutting-edge,innovative technologies, Israeli communications companies continue to attracttop-tier institutional investors, raising a tremendous $88 million from venturecapitalists in 2004.


Homeland Security

As a top national priority, Homeland Securityin Israel is more than just an exportable commodity. Israel’sself-reliance has created a diversified and cutting edge security industry,adding innovation to existing technologies as well as developing new ones. Israel todayhas earned its worldwide reputation for providing leading security solutionsand continues to successfully partner with key world players to protectairports, seaports, government offices, financial institutions and recreationalcenters.


Semiconductor Industry

Israel has long been recognized as a leading force in thesemiconductor industry. The semiconductor sector drives growth in many marketsincluding microprocessors, data and voice communications, wireless, IP andnetworking communications, consumer, automotive, defense and more, representingprime opportunities for investment and cooperation.



Israel is one of the leading chemical-producing nations inthe world, and chemicals are a primary export. The industry formally began atthe beginning of last century, when efforts commenced to extract minerals fromthe Dead Sea. When the State was founded, the new government establishedseveral state-owned companies to mine the raw materials and process thederivatives.



Israel is internationally recognized as a leader in cuttingedge agricultural advancements. Israel’s high level of development is dueto the close cooperation between scientists, extension advisers, farmers, andagriculture-related industries, who contribute to the manufacturing of advancedtechnologies used locally and around the world.


Source: Invest in Israel- Israel's Investment Promotion Center,Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, Israel