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Invitation to participate in The Israeli Academia Show Case Start-Up Competition during the Biomed

25 May 2016

Invitation to participate in “The Israeli AcademiaShow Case Start-Up Competition” during the Biomed 2016 – May 25

This is a personal invitation to present your company as a candidate for the startup competition of the ITTN ( There will be two selected winners. The # 1 will get both cash award as well international exposure.

The following are the details for the competition for your consideration:


The Israeli AcademiaShow Case Start-Up Competition aims to recognize and endorse innovation that emerged from the Israeli academia and medical centers in the field of Life Sciences. It targets drug development, medical devices, diagnostic, therapeutic and e-health solutions.

It is organized by ITTN, the Israeli technology Transfer Organization.

Candidate profiles

The Innovation Prize is open for companies, in the field of Life Sciences , that emerged or was founded based on technologies from the Israeli academia and medical centers

The Innovation Prize rewards projects for services or products that are under development at the time of submission or for products that are already commercialized.

The Innovation Prize is an international event; therefore participants from any country in the world are accepted and treated equally during the selection and evaluation process.

Evaluation Criteria

Project Evaluation is based upon:

§ Level of innovation

§ Unmet Need

§ Market size

§ Management team

Application for the competition

Candidates can apply by completing the attached application form and send it to the following address: Orli Tori:; Shlomo Nimrodi:

Applications need to be fully completed in English by March 31st 2016.

Those presenting will get a free entry to the conference for this one day.


The projects submitted for the competition will be evaluated by a Jury consisting of representatives from the industry and the venture capital institutions.  

Evaluation Process

The following process will be maintained during the evaluation procedure:

§ 1. Jury members will get all applications and perform a first analysis to select the 15 best projects. These candidates will be invited to present at the competition track during Bio-Med Israel conference and will be asked to provide additional information if needed.

§ 2. Jury members and Bio-Med Israel conference audience will select the 2 winners based on companies' presentations.

# 1 will be selected by the professional Jury members

# 2 will be selected by the track audience as the "Audience favorite company"


The winners will get exposure on an international basis.

The # 1 winner will also receive a cash reward.


Candidates take responsibility for providing non – confidential information only, necessary for the evaluation of their project by the Jury.


Candidates authorize ITTN to use the non-confidential information as provided by the candidate during the registration process for communication purposes.