News & Events

Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Conference 2012

14 March 2012
Thanks to the great success of our four previous conferences, the Government of Israel has recognized our conference as the main renewable energy event of Israel, and as such, has requested that we hold it every second year alternately with Israel's main water event – Watec. 
Save the date
Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition
Eilat, November 27-29, 2012
In order to support long term and informed energy policymaking, we will hold on to our traditional February dates for a smaller "round tables" event for invited policymakers.
Eilat Eilot Forum (by invitation)
Eilat & Eilot, February 22-23, 2012
The Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy conference  is among the world’s leading platforms for presenting technological innovation, business opportunities, policies and implementation in the renewable energy field.  The conference brings together thousands of participants from all over Israel and abroad.
During the conference, engaging meetings take place that lead to tangible results in the field. The previous conferences have established this event as the leading Renewable Energy conference in Israel, as well as a conference of global significance.
Come and see how Israel is becoming serious about Renewable Energy!
We wish you a good and sustainable energy-filled new year!